cultura italiana
1. General dispositions

1. General dispositions

1.1 The here-defined non-profit, non-commercial legal entity, “Institute of italian culture” (a non-profit cultural organization based on membership) is constituted according to the laws of Georgia and it is considered founded from the moment of its registration within the registry of commercial and not commercial legal entities (see article 28 of Civil code and art. 4 of Entrepreneurs Law of Georgia).

Organization name Institute of italian culture
Legal form Non-profit organization (NGO)
Legal address [legal address]

1.2 According to the article 37 (3) of the Civil code, this non profit, non-commercial legal entity is independent from the status of their member(s) or from that of its manager(s) and representative(s). The liability of this non profit, non-commercial legal entity is limited to its entire property. The member(s) of this non profit, non-commercial legal entity, or its manager(s) and representative(s) are not liable for the obligation of this organization. Nor this non profit, non-commercial legal entity is liable for the obligations of its member(s) or person(s) with managerial and representative authorities.