cultura italiana
Sofia Camaglia
Presentazione del programma ESC all'Università della Georgia
Non dobbiamo attendere molto che la professoressa Eka ci fa entrare e accomodare, presentandoci come europee che vengono dall’Italia. Sorrido, generalmente mi presento prima come italiana e poi come europea.
Mattia Baldoni, Gabriele Rota, Tommaso de Vivo
Meeting with Irakli Avalishvili
Tbilisi, January 2019 On 23 January, at the Institute's office located on the IV floor of III building of Georgian public broadcaster (1st channel), Mattia Baldoni, Gabriele Rota and Tommaso de Vivo, had a meeting with Irakli Avalishvili, physicist and talented painter as well as Tommaso's close friend. Tommaso ...
Mattia Baldoni, Gabriele Rota, Tommaso de Vivo
Meeting with Lasha Kharazi
Tbilisi, 19th December 2018 Members of Istituto cultura italiana (NGO), (Mattia Baldoni, Gabriele Rota and Tommaso de Vivo) hosted at their office Lasha Kharazi, PhD candidate in Philosophy at Tbilisi State University and recently invited Professor of philosophy at Caucasian University. During the presentations, ...
Luca Speziale
Incontro con Irakli Avalishvili di Luca Speziale
Il 22 novembre scorso, l'Istituto Cultura Italiana (NGO) di Tbilisi ha avuto la fortuna di ospitare Irakli Avalishvili. Per chi non lo conoscesse Irakli è un talentuoso pittore georgiano con una laurea in fisica teorica, veterano della guerra in Abkhazia, padre di cinque figli e uomo che ha vissuto in età adulta ...
Mattia Baldoni
Borders and frontiers, the past, the present and the future: comparative history and international relations between Italy and Georgia
The following lectures have been delivered by Mattia Baldoni within the Erasmus+ Project “Youth on the bridge, European identity between Italy and Georgia”, implemented by Istituto cultura italiana (NGO). ILIA UNIVERSITY Tbilisi, 18th December 2018 The presentation focused on the importance of borders and ...
Tommaso de Vivo
Leisure time of some staff members
Then he said that in his opinion, computer science is the art of making appear alive, dead things, and he added that (in the realm of software) it is all a matter of creating the illusion that something has intelligence, so that you can interact up to a certain degree with it, while the intelligence possibly expressed by the software absolutely lacks of consciousness.
Gloria Maritan
South Caucasian Women Photography-Panel
Il progetto ha visto coinvolte per un periodo di sei mesi sette fotografe provenienti da Armenia, Georgia e Azerbaijan, su temi relativi a migrazione, attraversamento delle frontiere e identità nazionale.
Mattia Baldoni
Meeting with mr. Francisco Capote Yeregui
After a short presentation of volunteers about the EVS project, Francisco asked to Mattia and Gabriele their opinions and impressions about Georgia and Italian Culture abroad. They said that they have found a strong and unexpected interest and fascination, strengthened by the various offer of cultural events ...
Tommaso de Vivo, Gabriele Rota, Mattia Baldoni
Meeting with Paramjeet Berwal
Mattia told that Georgian politicians shall understand that a rapid and superficially-planned integration could be also counterproductive for Georgia: weak, or relatively weak economical structures and democratic institutions could not positively face the impact with European economy and concurrence. It could be a hard transition, that could deepen social cleavages and inequalities and negatively affect national autonomy itself.
Mattia Baldoni
Analysing the shadows: private tutoring as a descriptor of the Education System in Georgia
Negli ultimi dieci anni, la Georgia ha ricevuto un forte sostegno internazionale per riformare il proprio sistema educativo. L'articolo vuole valutare l'efficacia di questi interventi nella regione, partendo da una variabile che può dare notevoli delucidazioni sullo stato dell'istruzione in Georgia: l'insegnamento ...
Luca Speziale
Perché dovresti fare l’esperienza dell’ESC
Lo so, non sarà come combattere la febbre gialla sulla linea dell’equatore, ma nel tuo piccolo, con i tuoi laboratori informali, tramite le letture in lingua, tu stai aiutando persone che probabilmente non avrebbero potuto accedere a questo tipo di sapere. Puoi fare veramente la differenza per qualcuno.
Gabriele Rota
Meeting with Irakli Avalishvili
Tbilisi, 23rd January 2019 Recently, members of Istituto cultura italiana (NGO), Mattia Baldoni, Gabriele Rota and Tommaso de Vivo, had a meeting with Irakli Aivalishvili, a talented painter and physicist, introduced by Tommaso as his close friend. After the greetings, art became the main topic of conversation. ...